Without Mercy

Without Mercy - Belinda Boring Without Mercy is a quick wolfish bite of tragedy and trust weaved together in one fabulous novella.

In this debut novella from new author Belinda Boring we are introduced to her heroine and the alpha’s intended mate of the Mystic Wolves, Darcy. When a simple trip to the store turns to tragedy, she finds herself not only up against a gun wielding advisory but the wolf inside as well. Right off the bat Darcy comes off as a strong and confident woman, loyal to her pack and willing to give her life for those she loves.

The plot moved at a fast clip, keeping the reader on a constant edge. Smoothly written, filled with tension, action, loss and a deep internal struggle; the story almost brought me to tears at one point.

Mason is the strong and sensitive alpha of the pack that we received a few glimpses from and from what I’ve seen so far me likey and I cannot wait to read more about him! Sadly though, no smexy time...yet!

With less than 25 pages though I was hungering for more!