
Sapphire - Jeffe Kennedy Sapphire is a wicked sexy BDSM novella about control-freak and workaholic business woman, M. Taylor Hamilton. Watching her mother lose control of her life and having to take care of herself at a young age, Taylor strives to be nothing like her by remaining in complete control at all times, in every situation, and never losing her head over a man. But when a fellow businessman that she previously shot down corners Taylor on her boss’s yacht and pushes her into an illicit erotic encounter, Taylor’s icy control starts to crack.
Adam Kirliss sees the real woman behind the hard exterior in Taylor, M as he calls her, and wants to bring that woman front and center, not just for himself but for Taylor too. He can see that Taylor needs to let down the wall to fully enjoy life, she just needs a little push in the right direction. But when Adam lays it all out will he end up pushing Taylor too far, causing her to run?

I really enjoyed this novella. It has light BDSM to it with a subtle sub/dom theme, and I say light because compared to some other BDSM novels I’ve read it is but that doesn’t mean that you won’t get wrapped up in the story, and in more ways than one! ;)

I absolutely loved Adam Kirless, he wanted Taylor, did his research and then set out to have her in a way that not only made her finally see him, but see her true self as well. Adam was intuitive to Taylor’s needs, seeing past her icy defense mechanisms. He knew that she needed to be pushed and pushed hard to conquer her fears but made sure not to cross any extreme boundaries and to let her adjust to the situation before moving onto each step. He was dominating when needed but at the same time, gentle and caring. His character had many faucets and I adored every one!
Taylor had such a tall and thick wall around her that it was hard to connect with her character at first but as Adam breaks that wall down and Taylor starts to let go, I, as the reader, began to see more and more into her psyche and form a connection with her as the story progressed, while at the same time Taylor is learning more about herself and becoming comfortable in her own skin as well.

The pace of the story was good, the sex scenes intense and incredibly flammable, the relationship was believable, and the characters captivating. Sapphire is about the true purpose behind BDSM, breaking a person down and then building them up to be even better than they were. A very satisfying erotic novella in every way!